Top Ecommerce PPC Agency to Boost Your Sales

Ecommerce PPC Agency Recognized by Google as a Premier Partner

In today’s world, online shopping is super popular and competitive. That’s where a good ecommerce PPC campaign can make a big difference. It can help your online store stand out and attract more customers. But running a successful PPC campaign is not easy. Hiring an experienced ecommerce PPC agency like Brand Surge is smart.

If you want your ecommerce business to grow and succeed partnering with Brand Surge could be a game changer. Their track record speaks for itself and they have the knowledge and expertise to help you get the most out of your online advertising budget.

Ensure Your Brand Reaches the Right Customers with Ecommerce PPC Management

Did you know 93 percent of consumers check out products online before purchasing? And here’s a real eye opener 91 percent of folks never even bother to look past the first page of search engine results. That means if your brand isn’t showing up at the top of those search pages you’re missing out on loads of potential customers and sales.

In the digital world where consumers’ habits and preferences are always evolving, eCommerce advertising is like the secret sauce of marketing. Whether you’re a fresh-faced startup or a seasoned eCommerce veteran, Shopify SEO services and PPC (Pay Per Click) are game changers when it comes to boosting your revenue. Even if you’re just dipping your toes into the business world, you can still connect with heaps of potential buyers through Google Shopping ads and other eCommerce advertisements.

So if you want to make sure your brand gets noticed by the right people online PPC for ecommerce is the way to go. Let’s dive into why it’s essential and how it can boost your business growth.

The Convenience of eCommerce PPC is its Greatest Asset.

The convenience of eCommerce PPC is a major draw for many businesses. It’s flexible and easy to track, letting you see which ads work best and tweak them for better results. Platforms like Google AdWords, Amazon Advertising and Google Shopping bring people to your site where you can turn them into customers.
eCommerce ads attract shoppers ready to buy bringing in traffic that’s likely to convert. With eCommerce advertising you can:

Maximize Sales with Expert Ecommerce PPC Management

Boost your online sales with our ecommerce PPC services. We will help your store get noticed and drive traffic using Google and Bing ads. Take advantage of our complete account ownership to increase your ROAS. Request a free ecommerce PPC proposal today and start seeing results

ECommerce PPC Services We Offer

Keyword Research

This step involves digging into what words or phrases people type into search engines when looking for products like yours. We use tools and data to find these keywords. It is crucial because it helps us understand what potential customers are searching for so we can tailor your ads to match their queries.

Campaign Strategy

Creating a campaign strategy means developing a plan for your advertising efforts. We decide how much money to allocate to different parts of your campaign, such as search ads, display ads, or social media ads. We also determine your target audience and how we'll reach them effectively. Plus, we set bidding strategies deciding how much we will pay for each click or conversion.

Ad Creation and Optimization

This involves crafting the actual ads that people will see. We write compelling ad copy that grabs attention and persuades users to click. We also design visually appealing ads that align with your brand. After launching the ads we continually monitor their performance and tweak them to improve their effectiveness. This could mean adjusting the headline changing the call to action or testing different images.

Ad Extensions

Ad extensions are extra information that enhances your ads and provides more value to users. These could include links to specific pages on your website additional text highlighting unique selling points, or even your business's phone number. By adding extensions, we make your ads more informative and increase the chances of users clicking on them.

Shopping Ads Management

For ecommerce stores managing shopping ads is essential. This involves optimizing product feeds, ensuring accurate product information and adjusting bids to maximize visibility and sales. We also monitor product performance and make data driven decisions to improve ROI.

Remarketing Campaign

Remarketing campaigns target users who have previously visited your website but didn't make a purchase. By showing them tailored ads as they browse other websites or social media platforms we aim to bring them back to complete their purchase. These campaigns help reinforce your brand and increase conversion rates.

Audience Targeting

Audience targeting involves identifying specific groups of people who are most likely to be interested in your products. We use various criteria such as demographics, interests, behaviors and past interactions with your website to target the right audience segments. By reaching the right people with your ads we improve efficiency and increase the likelihood of conversions.

Bid Management

Bid management is adjusting how much you will pay for each click or conversion on your ads. We continuously monitor ad performance and adjust bids to optimize your campaign's performance. This includes increasing bids for high performing keywords and decreasing bids for underperforming ones, ensuring that your budget is allocated effectively.

Performance Tracking and Reporting

We track various metrics to evaluate the performance of your PPC campaigns such as click through rate (CTR), conversion rate, cost per click (CPC) and return on ad spend (ROAS). Through detailed reporting we provide insights into what's working well and where improvements can be made. This allows us to make informed decisions and continually refine your campaigns for better results.

Landing Page Optimization

Optimizing your landing pages is crucial for converting ad clicks into sales. We analyze user behavior on your landing pages, identify areas for improvement and implement changes to enhance user experience and encourage conversions. This could involve improving page load times, refining the layout, or testing elements like headlines and call to action buttons.

A/B Testing

A/B testing involves comparing two ad or landing page versions to see which performs better. We create variations with small differences and split traffic between them to see which generates more clicks or conversions. By testing different elements like headlines, images or offers we identify what resonates most with your audience and optimize for higher performance.

Mobile Optimization

With more people browsing and shopping on mobile devices it's crucial to ensure that your ads and landing pages are optimized for mobile users. We design mobile friendly ad creatives and ensure that your website is responsive and easy to navigate on smartphones and tablets. This improves the user experience and maximizes conversions from mobile traffic.

Competitor Analysis

We closely monitor your competitor's PPC strategies to identify opportunities and stay ahead. We gain insights into what works in your industry by analyzing their ad copy targeting tactics and offers. We use this information to refine your own campaigns, differentiate your brand and capitalize on competitive advantages.

Ad Performance Monitoring

Continuous monitoring of ad performance is essential for identifying issues and opportunities in real time. We track key metrics like ad impressions clicks and conversions and use analytics tools to analyze data trends. We can quickly make adjustments to optimize your campaigns for better results by staying vigilant.

Ad Platform Management

Managing your ads across platforms like Google Ads and Facebook Ads requires expertise and attention to detail. We create and optimize campaigns for each platform leveraging their unique features and targeting options. This multi platform approach maximizes your reach and ensures that your ads are seen by your target audience wherever they are online.

Your Go To eCommerce PPC Agency

Let Us Assist You in Crafting Winning eCommerce Marketing Campaigns
From quicker deliveries to round the clock accessibility and hassle free return policies, there’s a multitude of reasons why online shopping is gaining popularity over traditional retail. Elevate your online presence and ensure your brand stands out to your desired audience through PPC for ecommerce.
At Brand Surge, we provide the following (and more):

Improve Your Online Presence

Contact Brand Surge Digital Marketing Agency for Digital Marketing Services and get top-notch service to boost your online presence.
